Blog Posts



  • Using recount3 to query public RNA-seq datasets The recount3 package enables access to a large amount of uniformly processed RNA-seq data from humans and mice. This tool makes it easy to reproduce published analyses or create a meta-analysis from multiple datasets. In this post, I provide the code I used to explore human heart data from the Gene Expression Tissue Database and to reproduce an analysis of mouse hippocampus data from the Sequence Read Archive. 12 Jan 2022
  • Why aren't there more part-time positions in academia? I left academia for a year, and it changed how I think about the 'leaky pipeline' in STEM. This blog post is a data-supported rant I wrote right before returning back to a post doc position after a one-year hiatus. 07 Oct 2021
  • Surviving the post-doc years with part-time jobs As a post-doctoral scholar, I aimed to work for 40 hours a week on research on projects. I rarely working overtime as is often recommended. Instead, I volunteered and worked seasonal jobs on the side. These part-time jobs have improved my quality of life and been a source of professional development. In this post, I'll talk about some of the things I've learned at what it means for my future career. 11 Dec 2020
  • Using R to analyze and visualize tweets from SACNAS This blog post explains how I use R to analyze Twitter data to gain a better understanding of who is tweeting at conferences and how impactful those tweets are. I hope you find this explanation useful and that it inspires you to conduct your own analyses of Twitter data. 07 Nov 2019
  • Bar plots as Venn diagram alternatives With this blog post, my goal is to demonstrate how scientists can to use bar charts instead of Venn diagrams to communicate empirical results in an easy-to-reproduce manner. 07 May 2019
  • Musings and Music about Moving to Californ-i-a That's right. After living in Austin, Texas for 15-ish years, I'm moving to Davis, California to continue my postdoctoral research. Here are some musings some musings about my move and a playlist. 04 Mar 2019
  • How my father shaped my career before and after his death This post is a Father's Day reflection. I read a lot of posts where male academics write about their fathers scholarly influence, so I thought is would be fun to write something from a similar but different experience. 12 Jun 2018
  • Using music, beer, and pop-culture to communicate science A little bit about my Nerd Nite talk called Zombie Brains: Microbial Mind Control. TLDR: David Attenborough meets Tom Waits meets Ed Yong 02 Jan 2018
  • Reproducible Data-Driven Discovery Report back from the Curriculum Development Hackathon for Reproducible Research using Jupyter Notebooks and the Moore Foundation Early Career Researcher Symposium Control 24 Feb 2017



  • Teaching Philosophy Lake Tahoe Community College (LTCC) has established a Cultural Fluency Teaching Academy (Academy) for faculty to participate in a 9-month (3 quarters) program to deepen their understanding of best practices in culturally responsive pedagogy. Participating faculty will be supported in using qualitative and quantitative research to evaluate the impact of changes on student retention and success,with a specific focus on diverse and traditionally underserved student populations. This is the teaching philosophy statement I wrote as part of my application to participate. 28 Jun 2024
  • Building computers for remote teaching When I was young, my dad used our living room to build custom computers for designing off-shore drilling rigs. Now I work from home building computers for scientific discovery and data analysis. How did I get here? 21 Jul 2022
  • A Review: RStudio Teaching Certification Course I highly recommend the online RStudio Teaching Certification Course taught by Greg Wilson 29 Apr 2019
  • asciinema for recording command-line terminal sessions Live coding screencasts are way more awesome when the text can be copied. asciinema makes this possible. 23 Feb 2019
  • Video tutorial: how to GitHub notifications Have you ever wondered: I'm missing information, how do I get notified of things? These notifications aren't useful, how do I turn them off? Is so, this video is for you! 17 May 2018
  • Instructor Training in Puerto Rico Building community through training and coding 24 Apr 2017
  • Effective Teaching Tips from a Train-the-Trainers Workshop How do we train the next generation of scientists to manage, analyze, and share data in a reproducible way so that they can be more productive and effective? 13 Feb 2015


  • Yoga on the Beach 9 - Balance The theme of today's class is 'Balance' and included a meditation and asans to bring aware to balance in mind, body, and spirit. 26 Jul 2024
  • Stand Up Paddle Yoga 4 - Balance The theme of today's class is 'Balance' and included a meditation and asans to bring aware to balance in mind, body, and spirit. 20 Jul 2024
  • Yoga on the Beach 8 - Balance The theme of today's class is 'Balance' and included a meditation and asans to bring aware to balance in mind, body, and spirit. 20 Jul 2024
  • Stand Up Paddle Yoga 3 - Family The theme of this class is 'Family' and includes partner poses and glances to build connection to one another. 14 Jul 2024
  • Yoga on the Beach 7 - Family The theme of today's class is 'Family' and includes partner poses and glances to build connection to one another. 13 Jul 2024
  • Mindful Yoga in the Mountains A mountain top yoga class in Tahoe Meadows, NV designed for a younger audience with a focus on movement, breath, and mindfulness. 12 Jul 2024
  • Stand Up Paddle Yoga 2 - Hip Opening The theme of this class is the Sacral Chakra. The sequence includes hip-opening postures such as modified Warrior II and Star poses. 07 Jul 2024
  • Yoga on the Beach 6 - Root Chakra The theme of this class is the Root Chakra with an emphasis on grounding postures. 06 Jul 2024
  • Stand Up Paddle Yoga 1 - SUP Basics This is my first time teaching SUP yoga! This class provides an introduction to SUP yoga and focuses on grounding poses to build confidence and stability on the water. 30 Jun 2024
  • Yoga on the Beach 5 - Root Chakra The theme of this class is the Root Chakra with an emphasis on grounding postures. 29 Jun 2024
  • Yoga on the Beach 4 - Fire Chakra This class focuses around the Solar Plexus or Fire Chakra. The sequence is designed to cultivate the fire within you. 22 Jun 2024
  • Yoga on the Beach 3 - Fire Chakra This class focuses around the Solar Plexus or Fire Chakra. The sequence is designed to cultivate the fire within you. 15 Jun 2024
  • Yoga on the Beach 2 - Sacral Chakra The theme of this class is the the Sacral Chakra. The sequence includes many hip-opening postures such as Warrior II and Godess pose. 08 Jun 2024
  • Mindful Yoga on the Beach A beach yoga class in Carnelian Bay designed for a younger audience with a focus on movement, breath, and mindfulness. 06 Jun 2024
  • Yoga on the Beach 1 - Root Chakra The theme of this class is the Root Chakra with an emphasis on grounding postures. 01 Jun 2024
  • Yoga for Joy and Peace A 30 minute yoga sequence I co-wrote as part of my yoga instructor training certification. 27 Jan 2024
  • 3rd Chakra Fire Yoga A 15 minute asana sequence to build inner fire and strength. I wrote and taught this sequence as part of my yoga instructor training certification. 04 Dec 2023
  • Birthday Beach Yoga and Breathwork For my 40th birthday I organized a beach yoga class. The playlist was designed to bring awareness to the breath and the beauty of nature. It was awesome! 08 Oct 2023
  • Saturday Lakefront Yoga A lakefront top yoga class on King's Beach designed for a younger audience with a focus on movement, breath, and mindfulness. 26 Aug 2023
  • Friday Mountain Top Yoga A mountain top yoga class in Tahoe Meadows, NV designed for a younger audience with a focus on movement, breath, and mindfulness. 25 Aug 2023