Yoga at the Ritz 3 - Feelin' Good
This yoga class is all about feelin' good. It is a full body workout that is designed to lengthen, strengthen, and balance.
When: Tuesday, September 3, 2024 from 7:30 - 9:30 AM
Where: The Ritz-Carlton, Lake Tahoe Directions
With: Tahoe Flow Arts and Fitness
Description: Yoga at Ritz is fun class for all levels and ages with flowing poses and breath-work to build stability, flexibility, and mindfulness. These classes will typically follow an arc of opening awareness, warm-up stretch, standing poses, balancing poses, inversions, grounding poses, and relaxation. The 7:30 am class is a slow gentle practice while the 8:30 class is higher intensity vinyasa-style class.
Class Outline
Song | Asanas |
Chillin | Welcome |
Kusanagi | Supta Baddha Konasana (with 4 blocks and a bolster) |
Tension in the Stars | Breathwork |
Wonders | Seated Stretches |
Quiet | Cat/Cow + Childs Pose + Cobra |
Evan Finds the 3rd Room | Boat Poses |
Sun is Shining | Sun Salutation |
Feeling Good | Warrior I Flow |
Colors | Warrior II Flow + Goddess |
6s to 9s | One Leg Tadasana + Tree + Warrior II Flow |
happiness | Tree + Seated Figure 4 |
Cold Spring | Legs Up Wall + Reclined Twists |
Waves | Savasana |
Spotify Playlist
I had two guests in the 7:30 class and one in the 8:30 class. I did the sequence listed above for the 7:30 because they looked like they were ready for a challange but its also supposed to be a slower class. For the 8:30, class, one of the students stayed and we did some restorative poses with bolster and no music. It was a great Tuesday.